Wednesday 2 July 2014

Some MDA Dive Guidelines

Those of you who have dived with us recently may have noticed we normally brief dives and training using the Some MDA Dive Guildelines’ acronym.  This is a tool we have developed to provide a framework for the content of briefings both pre-dive and post dive.

The briefing framework is intended to be used in all forms of Open Circuit diving from entry-level recreational courses through to advanced technical dives.
The pre-dive briefing is normally done before donning all dive gear, we then follow up with a equipment matching/head to toe check once everyone is in their full dive gear.

The importance of post-dive debriefings can not be emphasised enough in both training and non-training dives, this gives everyone in the group the opportunity to self evaluate and helps reduce any problems that may have occurred from happening again. 

Pre-Dive Briefings

SSite Details

-       Description of the dive site

-       Maximum depth

-       Dive time

MMission / Skills

-       Purpose of dive

-       Skills and tasks to be completed during the dive

DDescent Procedure

-       Water entry logistics

-       Descent from surface

-       Below surface checks

A Ascent Procedure

-       Planed ascent strategy and team organization

-       Decompression or safety stops

-       Water exit logistics

DDecompression Limits

-       Contingency for computers/decompression plan

-       Maximum decompression/NDL limit

-       Deep stops

GGas Planning

-       Starting pressures

-       Backup gas reserves

Pre-Dive Briefings

SSummary of dive

-       Overall summary of the dive, good, bad, successful?

-       Things that went well 
-       Things that didn't go well
-       Maximum and average depths - planned vs actual

MMission / Skills

-       Overview of tasks/skills completed

-       Assessment of skills

DDescent Review

-       Review of descent during the dive

-       Assessment and recommendations or observations

A Ascent Review

-       Review of ascent during the dive

-       Organisation at decompression or safety stops

-       Assessment and recommendations or observations


-       NDL limit reached / Decompression profile 
-       Deep stops carried out 
GGas Planning

-       Finishing pressures

-       Actual gas use

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